Vegetal materials in construction

Vegetal materials in construction

IV Bioconstruction Conference: Plant materials in construction

Next 16th/18th September we will participate in the IV Bioconstruction Conference organized by ESPIGA, Galician Association for Bioconstruction. The theme is “Plant materials in construction”. A series of talks and workshops in which we will do our bit.

Organized by Espiga. Galician Association for Bioconstruction.

Date: 16 – 17 -18. SETEMBRO. 2016

Place: Finca de San Xoán de Tor. Pazo de Tor. Monforte de Lemos (Lugo)


Friday 16th

16:00 Presentation of the day’s events

Deputation of Lugo and Council of Monforte de Lemos

16:25 Presentation of the Espiga Association

16:45 “Paramentos vivos: Cubertas e muros vexetais” (Town planning)

17:45 “Illamentos vexetais” (Veronica Rivero, aparelladora)

18:30 “Illamentos con terra e fibras vexetais” (Appropriate Technologies)

19:00 “A comercialización de materiais vexetais na construcución” (Bioklimanature)

20:00 Round Table: Incorporation of Vexetais materials into construction

Moderated by Antonio Seijas (Vice-President of Espiga).

20:30 End of the day of the visit. Cea conxunta.

Saturday 17th

10:00 “Air conditioning with ventilation, WCEEVT project” (Beatriz Ron, architect)

10:30 “Construction with a shovel: from self-construction to prefabrication” (Okambuva)

11:15 “Bamboo and reed. Natural structure” (Bambusa)

11:45 “Research programme with Mycelium as an illament material” (Espiga, Asociación Micolóxica Coruñesa e A Revolta)

12:15 Coffee break

12:30 “Materiais de construción con cáñamo” (Cannabric)

13:30 “Living construction” (Artesana Idoia Cuesta)

14:00 Round Table: Incorporation of Vexetais materials into construction

Moderated by Antonio Seijas (Vice-President of Espiga).

14:30 End of the morning session. Xantar with a group of assistants as xornadas.

16:30 Workers

Teitos de palla: Preparation of the palla and elaboration of a traditional palla teito anaco. (Piornedo Construction and Rehabilitation)

Bamboo structures. Elaboration of bamboo joints. (Bambusa)

Mesh walls. Handle of pellet bullets to build walls. (Okambuva)

Vimbio and elderberry structures. (Artisan Idoia Cuesta)

20:30 End of the day on Saturday. Cea conxunta.

At the same time, there will be two family workers, dedicated especially to children.

11:00 Route pole forest to cognize the wild plants. Uses and use. (Patri Puga)

16:00 Production of marrow baskets. (Artesán da Deputación)

Sunday 18th

11:00 “Canapalea. Construction with hemp: Formation and diffusion as an alliance between countries” (IEB-Instituto Español de Baubiologie)

12:00 Creation of xeodesic domes and xeometric figures (Víctor González, architect)

14:00 Farewell and farewell to the day. Xantar conxunto.

Permanent exhibition: Materiais de bioconstrución e mostras de cubertas vexetais. Juan Bello Llorente’s own collection.

There will be an official inauguration on the day of the visit and it will be open during the whole duration of the day so that it can be visited during the rest times and other times.

+info: Espiga

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