LCA Bamboo Guadua Life Cycle Analysis

Is Bamboo really eco-friendly?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions when compared to a local wood.

To get out of the doubt, we have commissioned a custom-made study of our Colombian Guadua canes, from the moment they are born until they are cut, processed and shipped to Spain.

Life Cycle Analysis of the production and marketing of bamboo canes (Guadua Angustifolia Kunth) for structural use.

The study was carried out by the Energy Biomass and Environmental Analysis Unit of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid. The objective is to quantify the environmental cost considering the category of impact of climate change and the use of primary energy of our Guadua Bamboo canes, taking into account all the factors and phases, from the birth, growth, extraction, treatment, transport and sale.

The results of the analysis demonstrate the sustainability of bamboo as a building material in Europe: the high CO2 fixation values during the life of the plant, the low energy resources required for handling and treatment compensate for and exceed the energy consumption required for its transport.

The system studied includes the following modules and processes according to the UNE-EN 15804:2012 and UNE-EN 16485:2014 standards.

ATTENTION: the data obtained refers exclusively to bamboo canes provided by our reliable supplier and delivered to our distribution warehouse. The use and dissemination of the same shall be expressly authorized by Bambusa Estudio.

AED – Cumulative Stage Energy Demand (MJ)

Ø6, Ø8, Ø12 cm and length 6 meters.

density 340Kg/m3, humidity 14%.

Accumulated energy demand by steps (MJ)

Diameter culms Ø6, Ø8, Ø12 cm 6 meters length

density 340Kg/m3, moisture 14%

Phase A1 / Supply of raw materials

Growth until cut, cut, cured, trimmed.

– Phase A2 / Transport
Transport of raw and auxiliary materials from the place of supply to the factory.

Phase A3 / Manufacturing
Preservation and drying (cleaning, drilling, preservation, drying, cutting, loading)

Transport to Spain (sea + land transport)

Storage and packaging (unloading, storage, packaging)

The products analyzed in this study have negative CO2 footprint and accumulated energy demand (AED) values in stages.

The carbon footprint under reach from cradle to cradle is -12.75 kg CO2, 17.97 kg CO2 and 21.88 kg CO2 for the 6 cm, 8 cm and 12 cm Guadua rods respectively.

The AED values are -129.3 MJ, -183.7 MJ and -224.5 MJ for the same rods.

The storage of CO2 and energy during the A1 stage of growth and harvest more than offsets the impacts of the A2 and A3 stages (with positive values).